Docotor Marini talks about Nordlys IPL machine. Topics include:

  • How you can meet patients' increasing demands for aesthetic and dermatologic procedures with a single, versatile machine using both laser and Ellipse IPL
  • Why Nordlys means profitable business. With the Nordlys, you have low running costs and fast treatment times, giving high potential earnings
  • Some of the results Prof. Leonardo Marini achieved in his own practice

About the Speaker
Professor Leonardo Marini is a dermatologist who also specialized in General Surgery. Currently serves as Medical and Scientific Director of The Skin Doctors’ Center in Trieste (I), one of the most advanced, Dermatological Clinics in northern Italy. Professor Marini founded the European Society for Laser Dermatology (ESLD) in 1996 and served as its President for some years. Past president of the European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology (ESCAD), he presently serves as its Treasurer. As Chairman of the EADV Task Force for Laser Dermatology he is actively involved in promoting higher standards of quality in teaching and training. He is active members of numerous Scientific Societies around the world.


  • Dr. Leonardo Marini, FEADV, FAAD
    Board-certified General Surgeon and Dermatologist - Italy