Treatment of erythematotelangiectatic rosacea with pulsed-dye laser and oxymetazoline 1.0% cream: A retrospective study

A retrospective study of several male and female patients with ET rosacea treated with both PDL treatments and daily oxymetazoline cream. A blind evaluation by board-certified dermatologists showed the overwhelming majority of subjects achieved at least a two-point clearance in telangiectasias.

PubMed Reference: Suggs AK, Macri A, Richmond H, Munavalli G, Friedman PM. Lasers Surg Med. 2020 Jan. 

Study Details:

  • Retrospective study of 31 subjects (20 females, 11 males; mean age 51±13 years) with Erythematotelangiectatic (ET) rosacea. 
  • Treated on average with 2 PDL treatments (Vbeam® Prima or Vbeam® Perfecta) and 4 months’ daily oxymetazoline 1.0% cream (Rhofade®).  3-day washout of cream prior to PDL treatment.
  • Blinded evaluation of cross‐polarized images by a board-certified dermatologist at each clinic.
  • Treatment was assessed by validated Clinical Erythema Assessment (CEA) Scale (blinded evaluation) and 5-point Telangiectasia Scale.

Study Results:

  • 90% (26/29) of subjects achieved at least a 2‐point clearance in telangiectasias.
  • 55% (17/31) of subjects achieved at least 1 CEA grade of improvement and 13% (4/31) achieved 2 CEA grades. 
  • Subjects with moderate to severe CEA at baseline had significantly greater improvement.
  • Typical PDL side effects such as erythema, swelling, and occasional purpura were observed.
  • No rebound erythema was reported by or observed in the study subjects.