Treatment of acne scarring with a novel dual-wavelength, picoseconddomain laser incorporating a novel holographic beam-splitter
Patients with mild/severe facial acne scars underwent four monthly treatments with a Resolve handpiece. A significant number of subjects showed improvement and patient satisfaction was high.
PubMed Reference:Bernstein E, Schomacker KT, Basilavecchio LD, et al. Lasers Surg Med. 2017 Nov;49(9):796-802.
Study Details:
- 19 subjects (3 males, 16 females) with mild-severe facial acne scars (rolling or boxcar), skin phototypes III-V and mean age 45 (range 23 to 70) years treated with Resolve 1064nm handpiece
- 8 subjects (1 male, 7 females) with skin phototypes III-IV and mean age 45 (range 23 to 65) years treated with Resolve 532 nm handpiece
- 4 monthly treatments
- 3 blinded physicians reviewed 81 digital clinical images, using a 10-point scale (1=10% improvement up to 10=100% improvement)
Study Results:
- Blinded assessment correctly identified 75% of the baseline images
- 81% of subjects showed improvement
- High patient satisfaction
- Mild and transient erythema and edema associated with treatment, resolving within several hours
- No hyper- or hypo-pigmentation or scarring