Picosecond 532 nm neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser for the treatment of solar lentigines in darker skin types: safety and efficacy

A PicoWay Zoom handpiece was used to treat more than 250 pigmentary lesions in Skin Type IV patients. A significant majority of lesions had 75 to 100% clearance after just one treatment.

PubMed Reference:Guss L, Goldman MP, Wu DC. Dermatol Surg. 2017 Mar;43(3):456-459.

Study Details:

  • 255 discrete pigmentary lesions in 6 Skin Type IV patients (3 women and 3 men) underwent a single treatment with the 532nm PicoWay Zoom handpiece
  • 78% of lesions (201/255) had 75-100% clearance after 1 treatment
  • 2 lentigines (0.8%) worsened because of PIH, both in a patient who admitted to picking the treated area.
  • No other cases of PIH or adverse events