Objective evaluation of the clinical efficacy of fractional radiofrequency treatment for acne scars and enlarged pores in Asian skin
PubMed Reference:Kim JE, et al. Dermatol Surg. 2012 Sept; 40(9):988-95.
Study Details:
- 31 patients (Asian skin types III and IV)
- 4 fractional RF treatments at 3-week intervals
- 2 physicians - blinded assessment of photos
- Biophysical measurements of elasticity and color
- Histological changes
Study Results:
- Significant improvements in: elasticity & melanin/erythema index
- Significant increase in collagen
- Average score of 3 (51-75%) for overall improvement
- Physician assessments showed improvement in smoothness of the scars, pore size & brightness
- 100% of patients reported satisfaction and improvement
- No pigmentation or other side effects.