Nordlys® Advancements in Rosacea Treatment: Assessment of SWT® Narrowband IPL Therapies for Vascular Cases Using the Nordlys Multi-Application Platform
Jelena Jeftic, MD
Beauty & Wellbeing Concept Clinic - Belgrade, Serbia
Jelena Jeftic, MD
Beauty & Wellbeing Concept Clinic - Belgrade, Serbia
Download this Clinical Bulletin featuring two case studies of erythemotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR) treatment with the Nordlys system. See how the unique Selective Waveband Technology (SWT) IPL and use of sub-millisecond pulse durations transforms even persistent rosacea cases.
Across treatment of the many faces of rosacea, whether it be the ETR subtype or unwanted vascularity associated with rhinophyma, the versatile Nordlys platform can provide the targeted treatment parameters needed to resolve even difficult to treat cases.