Modern Laser-Assisted Acne Therapy In Practice

Laser-Assisted Acne TherapyLaser and light-based technologies have expanded the therapeutic arsenal for acne. Intense pulsed light (Nordlys® SWT®) in combination with non-ablative fractional laser treatment (1550) improves the skin appearance of inflammatory acne and scarring residuals in a short time, which at the same time, increases patient compliance and satisfaction. Despite the large number of studies and experience reports, prejudices against laser and light procedures in acne therapy still exist.

Laser and light-based therapy is an often underestimated, but very effective procedure with minimal side effects in the treatment of acne.

With the “Selective Waveband Technology” (SWT®), in which only certain wavelengths of “intense pulsed light” (IPL) are applied, inflammatory teenage acne, acne tarda or inflammatory rosacea can be treated anti-inflammatory (using the Nordlys multifunctional platform). This technology causes a higher absorption in the target chromophore thanks to special water filters, which enables a treatment with reduced energy. Compared to other IPL devices, there are fewer side effects such as erythema, swelling and pain.2

2. Bjerring P et al. Lasers Surg Med 2004;34:120-6 S