A randomized side-by-side study comparing alexandrite laser at different pulse durations for port wine stains
PubMed Reference:Carlsen BC, Wenande E, Erlendsson AM, et al. Lasers Surg Med. 2017 Jan;49:97-103.
Study Details:
- 16 adults (6 men, 10 women) aged 27-78 (mean 50.3) with Fitzpatrick Skin Type I-III
- 14 PWS previously PDL-treated with deep red (n = 4), purple macular (n=5) and purple hypertrophic (n = 7) PWS
- PWS subdivided to 3 test areas randomized to 755nm Alex laser (GentleMax): 8mm spot size (DCD 60/40); pulse durations of 3ms (fluence 40-65 J/cm2), 5ms (fluence 45-70 J/cm2) or 10ms (fluence 50-80 J/cm2) - 4th test spot untreated control
- PWS clearance evaluated on a scale of 0=no response to 4=excellent response (75-100% clearance).
Study Results:
- Alex laser at 3, 5, and 10 ms pulse durations demonstrated significant clearance compared to untreated controls (P < 0.001)
- 3ms pulse duration had higher clearance rates than 5ms or 10ms and a better safety profile.