A novel dual-wavelength, Nd:YAG, picosecond-domain laser safely and effectively removes multicolor tattoos
PicoWay Zoom handpieces were used to remove multicolored tattoos from several subjects. Results were positive after a few treatments and no scarring was evident.
PubMed Reference:Bernstein EF, Schomacker KT, Basilavecchio LD, et al. Lasers Surg Med. 2015 July.
Study Details:
- 21 subjects (Fitzpatrick Skin Type I-IV) with 31 tattoos (black or multi-colored green, blue, purple, red, and yellow)
- Up to 7 treatments with PicoWay Zoom 532nm/1064nm handpieces, at 6 to 10-week intervals
- 3-5 mm spot size, 1.4 - 5.3 J/cm2fluence with 1064nm wavelength (Black, blue, green, and purple inks), 0.4 to 2.1 J/cm2fluence with 532nm wavelength (red and yellow inks)
- Blinded assessment of photos, using 10-point scale (0=no improvement to 10=100% or total clearance)
Study Results:
- Mean score for blinded evaluation: 7.94±0.09 - corresponding to 79% removal after an average of 6.5 treatments
- Average 92% clearance of black ink after an average of 6.5 treatments
- Average 80% clearance of red ink after an average of 4.5 treatments
- No scarring, or moderate or severe pigmentary alterations were seen in the 3-month follow-up cross-polarized images